Affirming the Scientific Consensus on Bias and Discrimination in AI
We, the undersigned researchers, affirm the scientific consensus that artificial intelligence (AI) can exacerbate bias and discrimination in society, and that governments need to enact appropriate guardrails and governance in order to identify and mitigate these harms. [1]
Over the past decade, thousands of scientific studies have shown how biased AI systems can violate civil and human rights, even if their users and creators are well-intentioned. [2] When AI systems perpetuate discrimination, their errors make our societies less just and fair. Researchers have observed this same pattern across many fields, including computer science, the social sciences, law, and the humanities. Yet while scientists agree on the common problem of bias in AI, the solutions to this problem are an area of ongoing research, innovation, and policy.
These facts have been a basis for bipartisan and global policymaking for nearly a decade. [3] We urge policymakers to continue to develop public policy that is rooted in and builds on this scientific consensus, rather than discarding the bipartisan and global progress made thus far.
[1] Every signatory of this letter is either currently affiliated with an academic institution, or has received a Ph.D.
[2] See, e.g, the analysis presented in Figure 1 of this paper.
[3] In 2016, the Obama White House published a report that noted how AI can exacerbate bias. In 2019, the Trump Administration endorsed the OECD Recommendation on AI, an agreement adopted by 42 countries which identified non-discrimination, equality, diversity, and fairness as values for AI development. In 2020, the Trump White House established fairness and non-discrimination as a principle for regulating AI, and President Trump signed an executive order that directed the federal government to use AI in a manner that protects civil rights. In 2021, a bipartisan law directed the Office of Management and Budget to issue guidance on mitigating discriminatory impacts and bias in federal use of AI. In 2022, the Biden White House issued the Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights, which identified civil rights as a core priority for AI governance, and in 2023, President Biden issued multiple executive orders that directed agencies to root out bias in AI and the National Institute of Standards and Technology issued a Risk Management Framework that stated trustworthy AI is fair with harmful bias managed. In 2024, the Bipartisan House Task Force Report on AI stated that “one major set of risks caused by improper design and use of AI systems is harmful bias.” Also in 2024, all 193 members of the United Nations adopted a resolution calling on members to “avoid reinforcing or perpetuating discriminatory or biased applications and outcomes throughout the life cycle of AI systems,” and the United Nations, in its Global Digital Compact, called for action to ensure equitable deployment of AI systems that avoid harms of bias of discrimination in all aspects of governance. In 2025, the first International AI Safety Report, with contributions from 96 AI experts, highlighted the harms from bias due to malfunctioning of AI systems, and described ongoing research on risk mitigation.
Signed (200+),
Gavin Abercrombie, Assistant Professor, Heriot-Watt University
Carina Albrecht, PhD Candidate, Simon Fraser University
Meysam Alizadeh, University of Zurich
Ira Allen, Associate Professor, Northern Arizona University
Shahana Ansari, Postdoctoral Researcher, Indiana University
Usman Anwar
Rom, Associate Professor, University of the Philippines
Joseph Bak-Coleman, University of Konstanz
Stephen Barnard, Associate Professor, Butler University
Solon Barocas, Microsoft Research and Cornell University
Burcu Baykurt, Assistant Professor, UMass Amherst
Sara Beery, Assistant Professor, MIT
Yoshua Bengio, Full Professor, University of Montreal
Ruha Benjamin, Alexander Stewart 1886 Professor of African American Studies, Princeton University
Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Professor, Santa Fe Institute
Marta Bienkiewicz, Z-Inspection Initiative
Abeba Birhane, Research Fellow, School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin
Ben Bogart, PhD
Elizabeth Bondi-Kelly, Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
Serena Booth, Assistant Professor, Brown University
Adji Bousso Dieng, Princeton University
Meredith Broussard, Associate Professor, NYU
Cody Buntain, Assistant Professor, University of Maryland
Joy Buolamwini, Accelerator Fellow, University of Oxford
Robin Burke, Professor of Information Science, University of Colorado Boulder
Thorsten Busch, Ph.D., Zurich University of Applied Sciences & University of St. Gallen
Courtney C. Radsch, PhD
David C. Bauman, PhD. Professor of Business Ethics, Regis University
Laura Carter, Tech Policy Fellow, University of California Berkeley
Prudence Carter, Professor, Brown University
Karine Caunes, Associate Researcher, Lyon 3 University, Executive Director, Centre for AI & Digital Humanism
Florence Chee, Associate Professor, Loyola University Chicago
Kasia Chmielinski, Affiliate, Berkman Klein Center at Harvard University
David Colarusso, Co-Director of the Legal Innovation & Technology Lab at Suffolk University Law Schoo
Kathryn Conrad, University of Kansas
Sasha Costanza-Chock, Faculty Associate, Berkman-Klein Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University
M.J. Crockett, Associate Professor of Psychology and Human Values, Princeton University
Catherine Cronin
Isadora Cruxen, Lecturer, Queen Mary University of London
Jack Cushman, Director, Harvard Law School Library Innovation Lab
Michael D. Ekstrand, Dept. of Information Science, Drexel University
Catherine D'Ignazio, Associate Professor of Urban Science & Planning, MIT
Lukas Daniel Klausner, Researcher, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
Hal Daumé III, University of Maryland
Gerard de Melo, Professor, Hasso Plattner Institute / University of Potsdam
Victoria Dean, Assistant Professor, Olin College of Engineering
Jennifer Dunne, Professor, Santa Fe Institute
Alice E. Marwick, Director of Research, Data & Society Research Institute; Senior Faculty Researcher, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Laura Edelson, Northeastern University
Remmelt Ellen, AI Safety Camp
Anna-Louise Ellis
Ro Encarnación, Ph.D. Student, University of Pennsylvania
Avriel Epps, Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University
Mark Esposito, Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society & Harvard's Center for International Development
David Evan Harris, University of California, Berkeley
Benjamin Eysenbach, Assistant Professor, Princeton University
Alessandro Fabris, University of Trieste
Golnoosh Farnadi, McGill University; Canada CIFAR AI Chair, Mila
Henry Farrell, Professor, Johns Hopkins University
Luis Felipe R. Murillo, Assistant Professor, University of Notre Dame
Brian Fisher, Professor of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University
Jessica Fjeld, Practitioner-in-Residence, Harvard Law School International Human Rights Clinic
Laura Forlano, Northeastern University
Andreas Formiconi, University of Florence
Vincent Fortuin, TU Munich
Sorelle Friedler, Professor, Haverford College
Kim Gallon, Associate Professor, Brown University
Noa Garcia, University of Osaka
James Garforth, Lecturer, University of Edinburgh
Timnit Gebru, The Distributed AI Research Institute
Carlos Gershenson-Garcia, SUNY Empire Innovation Professor, Binghamton University
Marzyeh Ghassemi, Associate Professor, MIT
Noah Giansiracusa, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Bentley University
Jeffrey Gleason, PhD Candidate, Northeastern University
Lauri Goldkind, Professor, Fordham University
Renée Gosline, Senior Lecturer and Research Scientist, MIT
Erhardt Graeff, Associate Professor of Social and Computer Science, Olin College of Engineering
Ben Green, Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
Ben Grosser, Professor, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Eugene H. Spafford, Professor, Purdue University
Alex Hanna, The Distributed AI Research Institute
Heidy Harley
Alison Harvey, Associate Professor, Glendon College, York University
James Hendler, Tetherless World Chair of Computer Science, RPI
Alex Hernandez-Garcia, Assistant Professor at the Université de Montréal
James Holehouse, Santa Fe Institute
Ken Holstein, Carnegie Mellon University
Benedikt Höltgen, PhD candidate, University of Tübingen
Brett Israelsen, Principal Researcher, RTX Technology Research Center
Yves Jeanrenaud, Postdoctoral Fellow at LMU Munich and Deputy Professor at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Dariusz Jemielniak, Professor, Koźmiński University
Marc Juarez, Lecturer on Cybersecurity and Privacy, University of Edinburgh
Jonas Kaiser, Assistant Professor at Suffolk University and Faculty Associate at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University
Sayash Kapoor, Princeton University
Karrie Karahalios, Professor of Computer Science, University of Illinois
Wesley Kerr, University of Pitsburgh
Aidan Kierans, Ph.D. Student, University of Connecticut | School of Computing
Jennifer King, Privacy & Data Policy Fellow, Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence
Lorraine Kisselburgh, retired professor, Purdue University
Lauren Klein, Associate Professor, Emory University
Richard Knepper, Director, Cornell University Center for Advanced Computing
Catherine Knight Steele, Associate Professor, University of Maryland
Allison Koenecke, Assistant Professor, Cornell University
Raj Korpan, Assistant Professor, Hunter College, City University of New York
Sanmi Koyejo, Assistant Professor, Stanford University
Gretchen Krueger, Research Fellow, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University
Bogdan Kulynych, Ph.D.
Emma L. Briant, Visiting Associate Professor, University of Notre Dame
Meredith L. Pruden, Assistant Professor, Kennesaw State University
Simson L. Garfinkel, Executive Committee, Association for Computing Machinery US Technology Policy Committee
Pam Lach, Digital Humanities Librarian, San Diego State University
Rebekah Larsen, Marie Curie Fellow, University of Copenhagen
Tom Lebrun, Laval University
Crystal Lee, Assistant Professor, MIT
Ting-an Lin, Assistant professor, University of Connecticut
Shaoshan Liu, Shenzhen Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for Society
Sonia Livingstone, Professor, London School of Economic and Political Science
Sarah M Brown, Assistant Professor, University of Rhode Island
Mary Madden, Professor, Georgetown University
Tegan Maharaj, Assistant Professor, Mila / HEC
Fintan Mallory, Philosopher of AI, Durham University
Anna Marchese, Senior Project Officer, Columbia World Projects (Columbia University)
Gary Marcus, Emeritus Professor, NYU
Nik Marda, Adjunct Lecturer, Northwestern University
Israel Mason-Williams, UKRI Safe and Trusted AI
Jeanna Matthews, Professor, Clarkson University
Michelle Mazurek, Associate Professor, University of Maryland
Kristina McElheran, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
Danaé Metaxa, Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania
Jake Metcalf, Data & Society Research Institute
Nana Mgbechikwere Nwachukwu, Affiliate, Berkman Klein Centre for Internet & Society
Alexander Mikhalev, Zestic AI Ltd
Niti Mishra, PhD candidate, Pompeu Fabra University
Alan Mislove, Professor, Northeastern University
Melanie Mitchell, Professor, Santa Fe Institute
Petra Molnar, York University and Berkman Klein Center, Harvard
Connie Moon Sehat, Director of Research, Discourse Labs
Cristopher Moore, Santa Fe Institute
Melanie Moses, Professor of Computer Science, University of New Mexico
Deirdre Mulligan, Professor, University of California, Berkeley
David Murakami Wood, Canada Research Chair in Critical Surveillance and Security Studies
Mor Naaman, Professor, Cornell Tech
M. Nagenborg, Associate Professor Philosophy of Technology, University of Twente (NL)
Arvind Narayanan, Princeton University
J. Nathan Matias, Assistant Professor, Cornell University
Eva Navarro López, Professor in Computing and AI at Rochester Institute of Technology
Alondra Nelson, Professor, Institute for Advanced Study
Jiří Němeček, Czech Technical University
Vera Neplenbroek, PhD Student, University of Amsterdam
Sarah Newman, Director, metaLAB, Harvard University
Gandalf Nicolas, Assistant Professor, Rutgers University
Maria Nyåkern, Nyakern Nexus Labs
Bex O'Higgins, Founder, KI-AH-NA
Amanda Palmer, Affiliate, Berkman Klein Institute
Orestis Papakyriakopoulos, Assistant Professor, Technical University of Munich
Nicolas Papernot, Assistant Professor and Canada CIFAR AI Chair, University of Toronto and Vector Institute
Dylan Paré, Assistant Professor, Pennsylvania State University
Ellie Pavlick, Assistant Professor, Brown University
Tuomas Pernu, Lecturer in Philosophy of Science and Research Ethics, University of Eastern Finland
Emma Pierson, Assistant Professor, Berkeley
Raechel Portelli, Assistant Teaching Professor, University of Illinois- Urbana Champaign
Julian Posada, Assistant Professor, Yale University
Dasha Pruss, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Computer Science, George Mason University
Ismael Rafols, Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University
Mialy Rasetarinera, PhD Student, University of Pennsylvania
Catherine Régis, Professor, University of Montreal, Mila
Paola Ricaurte, Faculty Associate, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
Blake Richards, Associate Professor, McGill
Luc Rocher, Senior Research Fellow, University of Oxford
David Rolnick, Assistant Professor, McGill University
Jennifer Ross, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto
Marc Rotenberg, Founder, Center for AI and Digital Policy
Cynthia Rudin, Duke University
Grace S. Thomson, Center for AI & Digital Policy (CAIDP)
Albert Sabater, Associate Professor in Computational Sociology, University of Girona, Spain
Eryk Salvaggio, Independent Researcher
Christian Sandvig, Collegiate Professor, University of Michigan
Khalid Saqr, Ph.D.
Holli Sargeant, Research Associate, University of Cambridge
Arvind Satyanarayan, MIT CSAIL
Nick Seaver, Associate Professor, Tufts University
LK Seiling, Associate Researcher, Weizenbaum Institute
Nishant Shah, Associate Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Huma Shah, Coventry University
Katie Shilton, Professor, University of Maryland College Park
Meghna Sinha, Senior Industry Fellow, UC Irvine
John Slattery, Executive Director of the Grefenstette Center for Ethics at Duquesne University
Genevieve Smith
Alyssa Smith, PhD Candidate, Northeastern University
Afsoon Soudi, Assistant Professor and Associate Director of Creative AI Hub at Toronto Metropolitan University
Zahra Stardust, Berkman Klein Centre Affiliate
Peter Suber, Harvard University
Harini Suresh, Assistant Professor, Brown University
Chinasa T. Okolo, Fellow, The Brookings Institution
Zeerak Talat, Chancellor's Fellow of Responsible Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh
Dhanaraj Thakur, Research Director, Center for Democracy & Technology
Eugenio Tisselli, PhD
Katayoun Torabi
Nora Trapp, Applied Social Media Lab, Berkman Klein Center, Harvard Law School
Rebekah Tromble, Associate Professor, George Washington University
Sahana Udupa, Professor, LMU Munich
Sepehr Vakil, Associate Professor, Northwestern University
Núria Vallès-Peris, Tenured Scientist at the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Spanish National Research Council (IIIA-CSIC)
Peter Vamplew, Federation University of Australia
Marieke van Vugt, Associate Professor, Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science & AI, University of Groningen
Briana Vecchione, Researcher, Data & Society Research Institute
Rajesh Veeraraghavan, Georgetown University
Suresh Venkatasubramanian, Professor, Brown University
Jacqueline Vickery, Ph.D., Independent Scholar,
Bryan Victor, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Wayne State University
Amanda Visconti, Scholars' Lab Director, University of Virginia
Douglas W. Jones, Emeritus Associate Professor, University of Iowa
Toby Walsh, Professor of AI and Chief Scientist, AI Institute, UNSW Sydney
Angelina Wang, Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University
Kevin Werbach, Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Adina Williams, Research Scientist, NYU
Christo Wilson, Professor, Northeastern University
Maia Woluchem, Program Director, Data & Society Research Institute
Yuxi Wu, Postdoctoral Fellow, Northeastern University
Richard Zemel, Professor, Columbia University
Baobao Zhang, Assistant Professor, Syracuse University
Sam Zhang, Applied Complexity Fellow, Santa Fe Institute
Angela Zhou, Assistant Professor, University of Southern California
Michael Zimmer, Professor, Marquette University
Jonathan Zong, Postdoctoral Associate, MIT
Signatures are in a personal capacity only and do not represent institutional views. Affiliations are provided for identification purposes only.